Heritage Building Appeal
If you would like to support the preservation and improvement of St John’s church, please click on the link to the right to make a card donation, or make a donation by cash or cheque (payable to St John’s Sandiway) at any service or event.
You could also come to one of our regular events for the appeal, or you could use text giving: Text BUILDING to 70470 to donate £5. Or to donate a different amount, text BUILDING followed by the amount you would like to donate, e.g. BUILDING10 (without spaces) to donate £10
We are really grateful for the generous support of many individuals and the following organisations: Alter Studio, the Benefact Trust, Bollywood Dance for Fun, the Brian Wilson Trust, Cheshire West and Cheshire, Cuddington Council, Cuddington Cattery, Four Paws Cuddington, the Hair Company, Jacqueline Wilson Funeral Directors, JIMS, the Mothers Union, the Nutty Knitters, Redwalls Nursing Home, St John’s Choir, Toolerstones, the Vale Royal Recorder Consort, Weaver and Cuddington Councillors.