To talk about weddings, christenings, funerals or home groups contact
Ruth Mock, Vicar on:
01606 883286,
07592 173871, or vicar.stjohnsandiway@gmail.com
If you want to hire the church hall, call 07356 011044 or email hall.stjohnsandiway@gmail.com
If you have general queries about St John's or aren't sure who you need to talk to, contact Ali, churchwarden, on: ali.stjohnsandiway@gmail.com or 07796 787245
If you want to talk about music, contact Emma, Director of Music, on: dr.ekmorley@hotmail.co.uk or 07944 090354
If you want to find out about social events, contact Julie, social & fundraising lead, on: 01606 301972 or fundraisingatstjohns@gmail.com
If you have any safeguarding queries, contact Julie, safeguarding officer, on: 01606 301972 or safeguarding.stjohnsandiway@gmail.com
If you want to talk about children and family groups, contact Alison on: 07775 449155 or alisonannharris@hotmail.co.uk
If you want to find out about our youth group, contact Dave on: dave.stjohnsandiway@gmail.com or 07591 757126
If you have any questions about donations, contact Andy, Treasurer, on: 01606 882690or treasurer.stjohnsandiway@gmail.com
If you have questions about the Heritage Building Project, contact John on: jgoulden22@icloud.com, or 07740 638762
To talk to our Readers, contact Sue on: 01606 889448, or contact Paul on: 07885 265979