December – Display in Church Unity and Light (part 2)
During December we would love to fill the church with items that reflect unity and light made by individuals or groups within and beyond our community
If you woild like more information, please contact Sandra on 01606 883029 or
Saturday 7th December Christmas Craft Market
10.30am-3pm in the Church Hall
A chance to buy unique home made gifts and crafts. Brunch served from 11am-2pm
Christmas Services
1st December: Advent Evening prayers 6.30pm in church
15th Dec (Sunday): 9 Lessons & Carols 6.30pm in Church
24th December (Tuesday): Crib Service 4.30pm in church
24th December (Tuesday): Midnight Communion 11pm in church
25th December (Wednesday): Christmas Communion 10.15am in church
Quiz Night Saturday 04 January 7PM - 9.30PM Church Hall
Entry £5 Nibbles provided BYO drinks and a glass
Any queries contact
December – Display in Church Unity and Light (part 2)
During December we would love to fill the church with items that reflect unity and light made by individuals or groups within and beyond our community
If you woild like more information, please contact Sandra on 01606 883029 or
Saturday 7th December Christmas Craft Market
10.30am-3pm in the Church Hall
A chance to buy unique home made gifts and crafts. Brunch served from 11am-2pm
Saturday 21st December 2024 7:30PM Christmas Singalong
Get your Christmas Jumpers on for our family favourite Christmas Sing-A-Long
Join in singing your favourite Christmas songs
Festive Refreshments included
St Johns Church Hall Sandiway Adults £3:00 Children £2:00
For more information, please contact Jenni and Pete
Saturday 4th January QUIZ NIGHT with prize raffle 7pm - 9.30
St John's church hall, Norley Road, Cuddington CW8 2JY
Entry £5. Nibbles provided. BYO drinks and a glass.
Contact Julie on 07713 813147 or
Valentine Sngalong with Paul and John Tuesday 11th February 2-4pm
St John's church hall, Cuddington
Tickets £5 including tea, coffee and cake.
Plus a prize raffle
Contact Julie on 07713 813147 or
Try a Craft Event: 15th February
St John's church hall, Cuddington
Explore new crafts and find what inspires you.
More details to follow.