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Weekly Notices


Services this week


8th December 

10.15 Morning Praise and Sunday Club in the hall

6.30 Celtic Communion in church 


Go Green this Christmas.... and help St. Luke's Hospice 


One way to reduce our carbon footprint is to send fewer Christmas cards = so how about sending Christmas greetings to our church friends on the posters in church (on the noticeboard in the porch) or in the church hall (on the hall noticeboard), and support St. Luke's Hospice at the same time?

Text SJCARE to 70085 to donate £3 to our Care not Cards appeal for St Luke’s.

Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message.


Link to the Advent Reflection: Advent Reflections 2024

Now Open! Unity Light, Light Display


10.00 – 2.00 Monday – Saturday until 21st December

Come and enjoy the wonderful display made by our community, with contributions from ages spanning over 100 years!


Mother Union Christmas Afternoon 3rd December 2pm Church Hall 


Sandiway school will be singing and Paul Walker and Jenny will entertain. Tea and mince pies also a raffle. Donations welcome. Do come along!


Christmas Services 

15th December 6.30pm A Service of 9 Lessons and Carols in church

24th December 4.30pm Crib Service in Church  11pm Christmas Communion in church

25th December 10.15am Holy Communion for Christmas Morning in Church


Ark Café


The Ark Café is holding a Christmas Jumper day on 6th December. This is the last day the Café will be open until 21st February 2025. 

If you’re interested in volunteering any Friday at the Ark, please 

come along on Friday 14th February, 10-11.30am to find out what’s 

involved. Coffee & cake will obviously be served.




Saturday 7th December Christmas Craft Market 10.30am-3pm in the Church Hall

A chance to buy unique home made gifts and crafts. Brunch served from 11am-2pm 


Quiz Night  Saturday 04 January 7PM - 9.30PM Church Hall


Entry £5 Nibbles provided BYO drinks and a glass 

Any queries contact

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